Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Wounded on the eve of NaNoWriMo

Today marks the start of the most important month in any amateur (and some professional) writer’s year. November is the Nanowrimo – National Novel Writing Month. The idea is to write a novel of around 50,000 words in just thirty days, targeting (if you’re sensible) 2000 words a day, because you know there’ll be days when you fail utterly.

I’ve not tried it before, so I’ve spent the last weekend learning about how it all works and fleshing out one of the myriad ideas I’ve been piling high for just such an occasion. Turns out, I should have got into it earlier in October as a lot of people start prepping well before I have. Thousands of people do it worldwide, enough to organise related gatherings in major and minor towns and cities – including Reading. Unfortunately because of when I signed up I had a mere 40 minutes notice of our first meeting, so did not attend. People also sign up to raise money for writers’ causes, getting people to sponsor them and pledge money online. I was tempted by this, but honestly can’t be sure that I’m going to be able to pull off 50,000 words, so thought I’d see what I can do this year before suggesting that people give me money for my efforts next year.
Not bad really, but its's the principle of the thing!

Unfortunately I'm already behind schedule before I've even written a word... Last night I was dragged out of Sakura in Reading for reasons I am as yet unaware. Two bouncers grabbed me and forced me out. I didn't even realise they were bouncers until after I'd cut my right elbow, bruised my left arm and shouted “What the fuck!” loudly several times. I went back to Sakura today to start the ball rolling on identifying the bouncers involved, watching the CCTV, and finding out if I should take the matter further. It went reasonably well, with a little headway made thanks to my sister's lawyer boyfriend, who was not not nearly as shaky as I was.

I get a phone call tomorrow and we'll see how things go from there. Now, on to writing... Megan!


  1. give em hell son!

  2. Promised a free Monday night for myself and four friends, and a conclusion to an internal investigation within 48 hours. If that investigation doesn't result in me seeing CCTV footage, the above won't be enough, but it's a start.

  3. That looks moderately painful! Has the investigation gone anywhere?
